
Throwing Events

Track & Field Throwing Events

The shot put, discus, hammer and javelin are all track and field events that both men and women participate in. Track and field throwers need muscle strength, flexibility, and mobility. They are able to utilize these by using the Myosource Kinetic Bands to train in their normal workouts.



The javelin look likes a spear that track and field throwers hold by the grip that is found in the middle. The track and field throwers run with the javelin to their designated starting line, gaining momentum to throw it as far as possible. The javelin is thrown overhand so throwers need to maintain a strong core and upper body to be successful. The throwers have to be able to make the javelin point land in the ground first or the throw is considered no good.

Shot Put

Shot put throwers push the ball through the air so it lands as far as possible from the starting point. Track and field shot put throwers have a time frame of 60 seconds to throw when they hear their name called so they always have to be prepared to go. The shot put is a small, heavy ball that takes full body strength to transfer push power from the legs, through the core, to the arms.


Discus throwers throw from a concrete circle, while facing away from the direction they are throwing. Before letting go of the discus, the throw must first spin counter-clockwise 1 ½ times. Discus throwers must build up momentum in these spins before throwing. The entire body is used to throw a discus so it is important for throwers to build lower body, core, and upper body muscle power to reach their full range of motion.


Hammer throwing in track and field requires great strength and power, as well as technique and form. Hammer throwers need to be focused on training their core in order to develop a flawless throwing routine. Strength training with the Myosource Kinetic Bands will enable track and field hammer throwers to do their strength training as they practice their throwing skills. The Myosource Kinetic Bands enable hammer throwers to train just like they would perform.

Building Strength for Track and Field Throwers:

Lower Body:

The lower body is what takes the rest of the body where it needs to go. Track and field throwers must maintain a strong foundation to push power up through the body for explosive throws. The lower body will bend, twist, and move laterally so it needs to be powerful with great flexibility and mobility.


Squats are a very common exercise used by throwers to build lower body strength with the Myosource Kinetic Bands.

  • The track and field thrower will put on the Myosource Lower Body Kinetic Bands.
  • The track and field thrower will stand uprights with feet about shoulders width apart.
  • The track and field thrower will bend at the knees to squat down, where the knees and glutes are parallel. They will briefly hold the position, then stand back up.

Knee Lifts:

  • The track and field thrower will put on the Myosoure Kinetic Bands, standing upright with feet slightly apart.
  • The track and field thrower will lift their right knee as high as possible, hold, and then bring it down to the starting position.
  • The track and field thrower will switch and do the same with the other leg.
  • The track and field thrower will perform leg lifts with resistance for 12-15 reps, then immediately repeat without resistance.


The track and field throwers need to stretch their abs and lower back so they are not stiff when they throw. Core exercises will also stretch and warm up the chest and hips. Exercises for the core and upper body should also be performed while wearing the Myosource Kinetic Bands to work the entire body. A strong core will transfer strength and power through the shoulders and arms to produce great throws.

Core Twists:

  • The track and field thrower will stand on the middle of Myosource Upper Body Kinetic Bands strap, holding one end in each hand.
  • The track and field thrower will raise their arms slightly and out to their sides.
  • The track and field thrower will twist from side to side.
  • The track and field thrower will twist with resistance and then without resistance.


  • The track and field thrower will put on the Myosource Lower Body Kinetic Bands.
  • The track and field thrower will lay flat on the ground with their arms out, parallel with their shoulders.
  • The track and field thrower will lift their right leg and cross it over their body towards their left hand as far as they can without straining.
  • The track and field thrower will then switch legs. This exercise stretches and warms up the glutes, hips, lower back, and abs. It also works the legs at the same time by utilizing the Myosource Kinetic Bands for resistance.

Upper Body:

Warming up and stretching the shoulders, arms, and hands will help throwers prepare for the vigorous repetition of demanding movements. The Myosource Upper Body Kinetic Bands will help throwers build strength, flexibility, and mobility in their shoulders, arms, and hands

Arm Swings:

Arm swings will warm up and stretch the shoulders, arms, hands, and core. Tightening the lower body will work the muscles, while stretching and warming up the core and upper body.

  • The track and field thrower will stand on the middle of the Myosource Upper Body Kinetic Bands strap with one end in each hand.
  • The track and field thrower will swing their arms in a circular motion both forward and backwards.

Arm Curls:

Arm curls will work the shoulders, arms, and wrists all at the same time. Remember to keep the entire body tight throughout this exercise.

  • The track and field thrower will stand on the middle of the Myosource Upper Body Kinetic Bands strap with one end in each hand, with the hands facing upward.
  • The track and field thrower will keep their elbows close to their body out front and curl their arms upwards.



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