
Volleyball Skills: Hitting, Blocking, Passing

Volleyball is a popular sport played by males and females of all ages and abilities. There is little league volleyball, club/competitive volleyball, high school volleyball, college volleyball, and sand volleyball. The basic skills in volleyball center around serving, blocking, passing, setting, hitting, blocking and digging. Volleyball players are skilled in all of these areas, but most of them excel in one specific skill. Players of all levels are constantly looking for ways to improve their skills and take their game to the next level. Having a successful volleyball training advantage is vital in staying with and excelling past the competition.

Volleyball Player hitting Volleyball

Improving Volleyball Skills and Drills with Resistance Training

Vertical jumps, speed, agility, and overall explosive power are needed to block, dive, set, serve, and spike. Adding overall strength to the development of these specific skills through the use of the resistance bands enables volleyball players to warm up, stretch, and practice as they work to reach their full potential. Volleyball players can mimic the exact movements needed during a game while wearing the resistance to build quick and strong muscle fibers that contract quickly and explosively for greater flexibility, mobility and power in the execution of those targeted game time skills. Although volleyball is considered a non-contact sport, injury often occurs because of the act of continuous jumping, diving, and high volume of movements. Therefore, volleyball players must strength train properly to protect the lower back, shoulders, legs, and knees. The Myosource Kinetic Bands were made to aid volleyball players gain strength quickly but more importantly, safely. Warming up and stretching with these unique resistance bands helps players protect their joints and reduce the risk of injury as they build explosive power, move more freely, and achieve a greater range of motion.

Setting, hitting, spiking, serving, passing, and blocking are difficult skills to master. It takes speed, direction, position, technique, flexibility, endurance, and much more to dominate the competition. Whether taking advantage of the resistance bands at home, at the gym or at practice, performing volleyball drills with resistance (wearing the Kinetic Bands) and then performing the same drills without the resistance (without the Kinetic Bands) allows volleyball players to feel how much impact the bands have on improving their game.

Taking Volleyball Skills To The Next Level

Elite volleyball players spend time working on proper technique and are dedicated to improving their areas of weakness. Some coaches and trainers have their players watch themselves on video in order to see their mistakes and where they need to improve. This is a great way for volleyball players to see whether or not their techniques are correct and to make corrections to their form so they can take their skills and performance to the next level.

Mental Volleyball Skills

We've discussed the physical skills of volleyball, but there are mental skills you can work on as well to complete the package and reach your full potential as a volleyball player.

Resistance Training for Volleyball Hitting, Blocking and Passing

As mentioned previously, resistance training with the Myosource Kinetic Bands challenges targeted muscles used for volleyball specific skill, increasing durability, flexibility, power, balance, coordination, and strength. The Myosource Kinetic Bands are safe for any age of volleyball player to use, inexpensive, and easy to travel with. When a volleyball player is at practice or advancing their skill set on their own time, they are able to put on the resistance bands just above the knees to practice the skills that will be performed in a volleyball game. The bands do not limit any movements or restrict volleyball players when warming up, stretching, or practicing, they just enhance them. We will discuss in further detail below how utilizing the Myosource Kinetic Bands will positively impact a volleyball players hitting, passing and blocking skills.

Volleyball Hitting

Having strong and powerful hitters on a volleyball team can be a huge asset, as it tends to intimidate the competition. Volleyball hitters who can jump higher while maintaining body control will be able to hit the ball to a selected spot, making it difficult for the opponent to return. The hitter can then focus on the timing of the set and be in position for a powerful and successful hit.

Hitting uses almost every muscle in the body, which is why upper body strength is also essential for the execution of hits. Volleyball player’s can be vulnerable to shoulder injuries from repeated use. Therefore, developing strength in the abdominal, back and shoulder muscles is necessary to prevent injuries. The additional strength also comes with the added benefit of more superior hits.

Practice our method below while wearing the Myosource Kinetic Bands to develop a harder hit for an effective spike by strengthening the core and increasing stability for quicker, stronger movement on the court.

Volleyball Hitting / Spike Skills

When a team has volleyball hitters that can jump higher, maintain great timing in meeting the volleyball, hit the volleyball at the right spot and make it difficult for the other team to return it, that team has higher chances of being successful. A volleyball hitter must remember that the volleyball needs to stay in front of the hitting shoulder. In order to do this the hitter must watch the volleyball from the time it leaves the setters hands. If the volleyball is set into a position that is too far in front of the hitter, they will most likely not be able to hit the ball with power but will have to tip the volleyball over the net. If the volleyball is set too far behind the hitter, they will have to perform a loop hit instead of a downward slam. Positioning is essential for a great volleyball hit. A volleyball hitter is not able to swing their arm down in the flowing motion if the volleyball is not set in the correct place.

Volleyball Blocking

In order to be successful, volleyball players need quick reflexes, exceptional hand eye coordination and the capacity to jump high. With that being said, volleyball players striving to dominate their sport and outperform the competition need to develop great technique, which can only be achieved through hard work and persistence. Players must constantly challenge themselves and their muscles to develop and maintain the body strength that is required to powerhouse off the floor with momentum and control. With higher jumps comes greater airtime, giving volley players a greater opportunity to achieve unstoppable hitting power for a block that cannot be bothered with. Swift transitions and controlled movement are also fundamental skills a volleyball player must acquire to adeptly block the ball. In order for volleyball players to achieve optimal hitting power and gain an edge on the court, drills to help advance their ability to block should not be overlooked. A team can take over a match with a good block much like a good server can with their serve.

Volleyball players whom seek to maximize their practice time to enhance their skill set and condition their body for optimal performance use the Myosource Kinetic Bands. The resistance bands help transfer power throughout the volleyball players’ legs and core, allowing players to achieve more forceful and aggressive hits. Volleyball players are able to utilize the bands while they are practicing volleyball specific skills, such as blocking, without having to change their typical routine. Maneuvering and challenging the exact movements and skills that will be performed come game time allows volleyball players to prepare and reap the additional benefits that come from training with resistance. Utilizing the resistance bands during stretching, warm-ups, and practices provides volleyball players the chance to increase their playing potential by productively and quickly increasing strength, body control and jump height. Volleyball players will experience a change in their game as they are able to detonate the ball with more power and demolish the competition with ease.

In the particular video we have provided, the volleyball player is performing drills while utilizing the Myosource Kinetic Bands to target key muscles in the legs, hips, glutes and core to gain the vital height desired for a dynamic and vicious block.

Volleyball Passing

Volleyball passing is the first volleyball hit in the three-step process. Volleyball passers are the players in the back row, prepped and ready with quick feet to move forward, backward, or laterally around the court at any and all necessary times. When the volleyball is served deep, a volleyball passer is able to use their forearms to pass the ball with great timing and accuracy. If the volleyball is served short, a front row player has the ability to pass the volleyball overhand. No matter which way a volleyball player passes the ball, the passer must maintain a balanced athletic position that allows for multi-directional movement. A passer must square up the hips, feet, knees, and shoulders in order to remain balanced and in control to make a great pass.

Incorporating the Myosource Kinetic Bands into volleyball training is beneficial for passing as targeted muscles are challenged to build up the strength it takes to actively achieve a quicker reaction time, as well as a quick first step to get to the volleyball in a controlled and relaxed athletic position. While wearing the Myosource Kinetic Bands, practice the passes discussed below.

Volleyball Forearm Passing

The most common pass in volleyball is the forearm pass. In order to develop a great forearm pass it is important for a volleyball passer to get their body lined up behind the ball in order to make contact with it at their mid section. The passer faces their setter in order to pass the volleyball with direction. Passers use the right angle to pass the volleyball to their right by bringing their right shoulder down. If the volleyball passer needs to pass to the left then they will drop their left shoulder to direct the volleyball to the left. Successful volleyball passers know how to get in front of the volleyball with one foot out front and their knees slightly bent. When volleyball passers put their weight on the balls of their feet they are ready to move in any direction. Forearm passing utilizes legs, hips, and shoulders explosive strength to pass the volleyball to the setter. If the volleyball players swing their forearms during a forearm pass they will not be able to control the volleyball. The forearm pass in volleyball is used when the opposition serves or spikes the volleyball. If the volleyball is over waist high then the forearm pass is hard to execute. Remember to allow the volleyball to come to the arms not the arms go to the volleyball.

Volleyball Overhead Passing

A volleyball overhead pass is when a player passes the volleyball over their head. Volleyball setters use the overhead pass for the second hit. On the first hit volleyball players generally use the forearm pass whenever possible but if the volleyball is served short, a front row player may need to use an overhead pass to keep the volleyball in play. To pass overhead, volleyball players stand with their feet a shoulders width apart, feet staggered, and their knees bent. It is important to remember to square the body, especially the shoulders, up with where the pass is intended to go, using the lower body strength to transfer through the core and out through the arms.

Link Back to Volleyball Main Page for resistance training information, tips, aids, and videos

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