
Volleyball Serving

Volleyball serving is a crucial element of the game. The drills and exercises performed for volleyball serving should be focused around developing an accurate and powerful serve.

Become A Better Volleyball Server By Improving Strength and Endurance

Whether the serve of choice is a floater, jump serve, jump float or just a basic overhand serve, the biomechanical principles are simple. The foundation for an effective volleyball serve comes from having a strong core and legs to effecively power hit the ball to a selected location at maximum velocity, making it difficult for the opponent to handle. Myosource Kinetic Bands fire the muscles in the legs, hips, and core, increasing a server’s strength, balance and endurance. The bands allow servers to maximize serving training time, giving them the ability to train serve specific skills while activating the muscles they need to take them to the next level.

The final key component to a successful serve is cardio and muscle endurance. During the course of a match, many servers will experience fatigue, which causes them to lose focus and concentration. In the video above, the athlete is combining serving skills with strength and condition.

To enhance serving skills, volleyball players can wear Myosource Kinetic bands while practicing the following tips for a more successful serve.

How To Perform A Jump Serve and Float Service In Volleyball

Volleyball Jump Serve:

• The volleyball server begins three steps behind the serving line.
• The volleyball server tosses ball in the air slightly in front of the body, takes three steps towards the ball, and jumps in the air.
• At the highest point of the jump, the server hits the back center of the ball with an open palm, using the entire body's momentum.
• Upon landing, the volleyball player should immediately take their place in the proper defensive position.

Volleyball Float Serve:

• The server begins behind the serving line with their weight shifted to the back foot and hips and shoulders lined up with the net.
• The volleyball server's non-hitting hand holds the ball in front of the body with a straight arm.
• The volleyball server has the ball sitting on palm of the non-hitting hand, while the hitting hand is placed on top of ball.
• The volleyball server tosses the ball in to the air out with the non-hitting hand and hits it with the palm of the hitting hand above the head. Shift the weight from the back foot to the front foot when hitting the ball.
• The volleyball server should hit the ball solidly at the back center, which will put slim to no spin on the ball.
• After hitting the ball, the volleyball server will continue with the forward momentum to get in to the defensive position.

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