Fitness Workout - Abs & Core | KineticRT Suspension Straps
Posted by Myosource Kinetic Bands on 1st May 2017
Using the KineticRT Suspension Straps
Sets: 2-3 Reps: 15
How To:
1. Start facing away from the straps and place one foot in each of the handle loops. Adjust the straps to the proper length. (Handles should be about a foot off the ground, give or take).
Tip: For added comfort we suggest sliding the handle grip to one side to allow your foot to rest on the strap.
2. Lift your body up into a plank position.
Tip: This exercise can be done from the elbows (beginner) or hands (intermediate/advanced). Make sure to keep your back flat.
3. From plank position, lift your hips up into an inverted "V".
Tip: Keep your legs straight and engage your core throughout the movement.
4. Slowly return back to starting position and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Reps: 15
How To:
1. Begin standing gripping the handles with an overhand grip. Adjust the straps (handles at hip level).
Tip: Keep your back straight and your head up.
2. With straight arms, hold the handles out in front of your hips and start leaning into the straps.
Tip: engage your core.
3. Allow your body to keep falling forward until your arms are in line with your body.
Tip: You core should be doing the majority of the work. Do not allow your back to arch.
4. Reverse the movement back to starting position and repeat.
Sets: 2-3 Reps: 30 Second Hold (Each Side)
How To:
1. Start lying down on your side. Adjust the straps to the proper length. (Handles should be about a foot off the ground, give or take).
2. Place one foot in each loop of the straps with your top leg slightly in front of your bottom leg (this helps with proper hip position).
3. Place your elbow directly under your shoulder and lift your body up into a side plank position.
Tip: Keep your body in line and do not drop your hips. Neck should be in a neutral position and head facing forward.
4. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.
Tip: To increase difficulty, pulse your hips by moving them up and down.
Sets: 2-3 Reps: 20 (10 Each Side)
How To:
1. Start standing a few feet away from the anchor in a wide stance holding a handle in each hand.
2. With your palms facing in, lean back until there is no slack in the straps. (Starting Position)
Tip: Your arms should be extended out.
3. As you start to pull your body up, twist your torso to the right, keeping your arms straight.
Tip: engage your core. Do not arch your back.
4. Slowly return your body back to starting position and repeat the movement by twisting your torso to the left.
Sets: 2-3 Reps: 20 (10 Each Side)
How To:
1. Start lying under the straps holding the handles out at a 90-degree angle and your legs extended out lying flat on the ground. Adjust the straps to the proper length.
Tip: Keep your neck in a neutral position. Engage your core and do not arch your back.
2. Lift your legs straight up to a comfortable height with flexed feet.
Tip: Keep your legs together.
3. Move your legs over and down to each side without lifting your hips off the ground.
Tip: If this is too difficult, adjust the height of your legs or slightly bend at the knees.